Conscious Decorating© is a combination of using awareness to create a home with flowing, balanced energy and using meaningful, sustainable objects to furnish your space. Diana uses pragmatic skills coupled with amazing intuitive abilities to deliver optimal, rejuvenating and re-energizing redesigns of your living space.
When you begin to create changes at home, whether rearranging furniture, clearing clutter or painting a room a vibrant color, energy begins to shift. People usually know this intuitively because they feel like they are making a fresh start and expanding their life. Another component to Conscious Decorating© is using objects that resonate with you and reflect back to you in a positive, nurturing and uplifting way. Often, possibilities emerge that were never considered and other areas of your life open up.
Home Energy Clearing & Balancing
Have you ever felt instantly at ease in a home?
Are you uncomfortable In a cluttered room?
Is there a room in your house that is rarely used?
What you are responding to is the energy within the space! Ideally, energy in a home is most beneficial when it is clear and flowing. When you begin to create changes at home, work and in relationships, energy starts to shift. Whether rearranging furniture, clearing clutter or painting a room a vibrant color, energy begins to change! People usually know this intuitively because they feel like they are making a fresh start.
Diana has extensively developed her intuitive abilities and is highly attuned to where energy is not flowing optimally. Her passion and enthusiasm lies in assisting others in freeing stuck energy and creating change on many levels. Her grounded, objective presence helps others become clearer allowing growth to happen. By addressing the spiritual and energetic component of a situation, lasting change occurs.
As a trained energy reader and healer, Diana offers a wide range of abilities to her clients. Her creative talents shape a personalized space for her clients while her spiritual abilities assist others in creating change and growth on a deeper level.
Ready to get started? Check out Diana’s top tips to change the vibes in your space:
Top Tips to Create Great Energy in Your Home
Tip #8 Keep symbols of health and free flowing energy in sight for instant inspiration.

Tip #7 Increase ambient lighting in every room.

Tip #6 Engage all the senses.
Smell has a profound effect on your mood. Keep the air in your home fresh by using a misting bottle filled with a combination of water and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Softly textured linens and pillows add variety and wake up your sense of touch. Surround yourself with shapes, objects and art that uplift you.

Tip #5 Color Transforms the Energy in A Home

Tip #4: Use a Variety of Materials in Every Room
A balance of wood, glass, metal, ceramic and cloth furnishings and accessories add color and interest. An imbalance results when there is too much of any one material. A tall plant alongside a large expanse of windows grounds that space. Oversize glass vases in a room with dark wood helps lighten the energy.
Tip #3 Clear out clutter
Unwanted things take time and energy to maintain. Start with small projects, clear out a small closet or chest of drawers. Donate or recycle items you have stored or haven’t used in the past year . Stacks of old magazines, broken things and packed closets all collect energy and stop it from flowing freely. As you declutter, you feel a sense of empowerment and control over what you keep around you. The energy in your home will start to flow, creating space for new things to come to you.

Tip #2 Use the Change of Seasons as Inspiration
Does your home look the same from year to year with things rarely changing? Would you love to know a simple way to freshen your home every few months? Are you interested in learning to use different materials, colors and accessories at different times of the year?

A sure fire way to keep your home looking updated is to draw inspiration from each changing season. You enrich the energy in your home by taking a cue from nature. In our fast -paced culture, it is easy to lose track of time. What looked fresh and bright in the summer can look tired by late fall. Making seasonal transitions to your home also gives your body and spirit the chance to adjust to a different temperature and pace. Everyone who lives in your home will benefit from a space that is in tune with the seasons because it keeps you in present time.
Richer toned accessories transition to fall

Each season has a distinctive vibration whether you live in a warm and sunny climate year round or have four distinct seasons. As Summer changes to Fall, stay current by changing light-colored fabrics and light-weight textures and accessories to richer, more vibrant colors and heavier fabrics. Where glass, woven items and casual accessories may look fun and interesting in the summer months, they can look insubstantial in the fall. Displaying fall fruits and gourds, paired with vibrant orange and red accessories welcomes the new season into your space, transforming the atmosphere of your home. It’s a transitional time that honors a different pace and puts the focus on reaping the seeds sowed in spring and summer.
Deep, rich tones create a reflective, peaceful tone for winter. Fall into Winter is a gradual changeover to even heavier, richer fabrics and hues and more substantial accessories and artwork. The winter is a great time for drama and striking combinations as holidays and entertainment comes to the forefront. Creating a memorable environment helps build a great setting for everything from simple activities like baking to being a great backdrop for elaborate parties for the Holidays. There is a definite turn inward in the winter and by honoring this season’s natural time for inner retreat and reflection you can emerge refreshed and renewed for springtime.
Winter into Spring, signals a time for fresh, light colors and simpler fabrics. By slowly building your inventory of linens, pillows, and accessories you are able to create fresh looking designs throughout your home because you have learned the key to keeping your home current looking. An orchid or tulips give any table a shot of color and vibrancy and awaken the senses. Just remember, you are always looking to the seasons for inspiration!
As spring melts into summer, your home can reflect the casual, unstructured days of vacation mode! Even though your pace and lifestyle my be busy, taking a cue from summer is essential. The lighter colors, fabrics and accessories give your body and spirit a strong signal to kick back and look at life from a more relaxed viewpoint.
Your home is a reflection of all the people who live there. Just like the seasons continually change, so do we all. By making simple yet effective changes seasonally your home will always stay fresh, current and inviting.
Tip #1 Rearrange furniture to optimize the function and appeal of every room

It’s a whole new view when you pull furniture off the walls. Ever walk into a room that feels more like a pass through space than a room to enjoy? Do you have rooms in your home that function like a creepy storage shed that nobody wants to go into? You’re responding to the energy in the space and there’s a simple remedy! Rearrange the furniture and watch things shift. Flow is everything! When you’re bumping into furniture or tripping over things, it slowly erodes your daily flow and joy, sometimes without you even noticing it.
Every room in your home can feel inviting when you enter it, if there is an ease of movement and good traffic flow. Often, when I work with clients and ask how their furniture ended up where it did, I usually hear “That’s where the movers put it!” How funny!! All of us can grow accustomed to having things in a certain place simply from habit. Angling large pieces directs energy flow and creates strong visual interest. It’s helpful to step back from a room both emotionally and physically and look it over with an objective viewpoint. Make it a priority today to look at your living space with new eyes.
Asking questions is key. Is this room functioning well? Do I like this stuff? Does it make me happy to use it and look at it? What is really needed here? It’s worth doing this step because a home that is working for you, instead of the other way around, will support you in ways you never dreamed possible. I’ve seen first-hand the dramatic transformations in people’s outlook and the increase in their enjoyment of life once their rooms are rearranged to maximize flow and optimize energy. EVERYONE can live in a beautiful harmonious home without spending a fortune. That means YOU!
Balance a strong architectural feature with an equally weighted bold grouping of furniture. Every room is different but the basic ideas will apply to every space. First, by pulling the furniture off the wall, the room gains dimension and stops it from looking like a bowling alley. Entryways are often a neglected area and can be given importance with the addition of a chair or small table.
Second, angling larger pieces can dramatically direct flow and anchor a large unstructured room (think a huge family room or open loft space). Angling, if not overdone, can update a dining area or living space because it looks so fresh to the eye.
Thirdly, remember that balance is another key component in creating a great flowing space. If you have a large armoire on one side of your room, there needs to be an equally visually heavy counterpart on the room’s other side. Rooms that feel inviting and comfortable always have balance.
Also, if a room looks pretty, but feels uncomfortable or is not functional, no one will use it! Moving your furniture and possessions around will make you more aware of your space. It also gives you the permission to move out the things that no longer reflect you or to showcase an overlooked treasure in a new way. It’s your space, so ask ” Is this contributing to my life?” If you get “Yes!!”, it stays, if not move it out. If your furniture could talk what would it be saying?